Payroll Savings Services
BAG Credit Union offer people who are employed in the Upper Rhymney Valley a seemless way to Save directly form their salary. This service is currently availalbe to employees of the following employers:-
How it Works
The benefit of Saving with payroll deduction is that once you have completed and returned the payroll deduction form, there is nothing else required of you. BAG and your Employer will do the rest for you, including arranging for the amount you have told us you want to Save each month to be deducted directly from your salary into your Savings account. Many Members use this choice to save for a rainy day or special events and Christmas.
Employers Benefits
There are benefits for employers in becoming a partner too. Offering the scheme to employees demonstrates corporate responsibility by helping the financial wellbeing of staff as well as contributing to the local economy.
BAG offer this service free of charge and setting up a scheme is very straightforward. All Savings deposited through payroll services are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).
Find Out More
Please contact us on 01443 838605 if you or your employer are interested in establishing a payroll savings service in your place of work, and want to find out more.